I am a Forgiven Sinner, a follower of My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ whose precious blood was shed so all may be saved. I am also a Wife, Mother, Cook, Home-schooler, Digital Scrapbooker and Farm Girl living in Suburbia.
I Married my sweet heart My Knight Sir K Oct 21 2000
We have Five Precious Children
Sir Jay(7) Dr. Dee(5) Princess Bee(4) Mr.Man is (2) and Lady Elle (6months)
We are blessed to Have Grammy living with us! She likes to sew, crochet, tickle Grand-babies...you will see a lot of her projects here as she blesses our family with her skills.
What you will find on this blog?
As I am raising 5 Blessings from God this blog is haphazard and I try to add to it as I have time. We try to live as frugally as possible so we also dable in Living Green...We Refashion, Reuse and Recycle. We Home-school and Get a lot things free on the web as I find great sites I love to share things with others so Hopefully you will see more of these ideas, links and hopefully tutorials here as I live life and have time to blog.
Thank you for sharing Time out of your day with me...if you see something you like let me know and I will try to post more.
God Bless